Thursday, May 20, 2010

4th of July Festivities 2010

The 4th of July is quickly approaching! Please send in your contribution early this year. We have a different 2010 fireworks flag for those who contribute $50 or more. Last year the average donation was $75.00. The generosity of the residents gave us one of the most beautiful shows we've ever had on Lake Meridian. As usual, the price of fireworks has increased...just like everything else. To get the quality of show we had last year, we need to spend just a little more. Please fill out your membership form and take it and your donation to one of the LMCA board members from around the lake. They can exchange it for your flag. If you did not get a flag last year and still want one we have a limited supply and for a donation of at least $100, you can get both!

Membership Form
Name _______________________________________
Address ____________________________________
Phone ______________________________________
Email ______________________________________

New ___Renew ___Lakefront (30.00) _____ Senior (20.00) ____

New ___Renew ___Associate (20.00) _____

4th of July Celebration Donation ________ Must be at least $50.00 to receive this year's flag.

Total =======

To receive newsletters and be invited to the picnic please fill out this form and return

PO Box 7578
Covington, WA 98042-0044

To give and pick up your flag call a board member near you:

Near 132nd & 256th


Michelle McDowell

Near the park


Ellyn Ricker

South side of lake half way down


Fay Jensen

South side of lake half way down


Kathy Ekstrand

Halfway down the North side


Jim Helm



Dean Saggau



John Wright

High bank 132nd area


Bruce Axworthy

General Meeting June 2, 2010

Please join us for the LMCA General Meeting on June 2, from 7:00pm - 8:45pm at the King County Covington Library, 27100 164th Ave SE.

We will be asking someone from the Kent Police Dept. to come and update us on this year's patrols as well as the use of the fee boat ramp. Toni Azzola from the City of Kent will give us input on the neighborhood councils, we'll get updates on summer activities and have a chance to visit with city council member Jamie Perry to answer questions we have about city issues. What else would you like to cover? Please email with your questions.