Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Our Aging Belle

The board assessed the structural condition of our beloved Meridian Belle and determined she is unsound. Unfortunately, she requires much more than cosmetic work. Her decking and railings have rotted to the point of being unsafe and she is in bad need of a thorough paint job. She also needs a stronger motor. To repair her properly, the Belle would need to be pulled from the water and we are not sure she will hold up structurally; also, none of the members has a trailer large enough for this task. The time and expense involved in restoring the Belle isn’t feasible for the board. Sadly, after weighing all options, we have decided the best course of action will be to dismantle her. We will save what we can in case another Belle is built some day, and dispose of the rest of her pieces. None of us is happy with this decision and we didn’t make it lightly. We will all miss seeing her lead the boat parade on the 4th of July. The Belle won’t be dismantled until summer. We will discuss the state of her condition at the General Membership meeting. If anyone has the time, money and desire to consider the enormous task of restoring her, we would love to hear from you.

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